Volunteer skills = Job Skills


Mary-and-Donna-Learn-Local-AwardsEmerald Community House has volunteering opportunities which build transferable skills in community development, administrative support, event management, childcare, community arts, promotion, market management, social media management, community development, hospitality, small business support, humanitarian work, community enterprise and grant writing – all in a supportive environment. Great for school leavers or those returning to the workplace.

Volunteer with us for 6 months and you will get a letter of recognition for your work which will increase your skills and can improve your appeal on your CV.

Our courses will improve your creative writing, literacy and numeracy, expand your skills and network, become more competitive and have a lot of fun doing it!. Parents can refer their school leavers to ECH to assist in their transformation from high school to employment or further educational pathways. ECH is registered for pre-accredited training by “Learn Local”, Victoria’s Adult and Community Further Education program- your local gateway to the next step.




learn-local-emeraldIncreasing your employability starts with an action plan including an improved CV, better access to networks, better presentation and ramped up skills through volunteering while you look for a job.